
What is an OpenWhisk 'collection'?

What causes an action to give an error "Resource by this name exists but is not in this collection?"

From this question, there is a specific case of name collisions between triggers, rules, and actions. But for me, there is nothing except a single action that I can not modify.

$ wsk -i rule list
$ wsk -i trigger list
$ wsk -i action list
/guest/getgoods/getgoods                                               private rust:1.34
$ wsk -i action delete getgoods
error: Unable to delete action 'getgoods': Resource by this name exists but is not in this collection. (code tv2u2w09oog8Z5y2ONGuGvLCvBErctga)
Run 'wsk --help' for usage.

For added info, I got an action into this state by using wskdeploy with a Rust action. I am able to deploy the same action (under a different name) with a wsk action create command just fine.


  • This error also comes while accessing action as a package, the name of your package and action is the same. Try this

    wsk -i action delete getgoods/getgoods