
How do I use (compile) zlib (gzip functions) compression library within Intel Pin tool?

I have libz-dev installed on ubuntu 20.04. I added the following lines in pin/source/tools/SimpleExamples/icount.cpp :

#include <zlib.h>

and in main():

gzFile gp;
gp = gzopen("compressed_log_file", "ab");
gzbuffer(gp, 100000);

My makefile build rule for linking is:


which follows the Intel Pin User Guide except for the -lz flag I added.

I can make with no errors, but when I run the pin tool, I get this error:

E: Unable to load /pin/source/tools/SimpleExamples/obj-intel64/ dlopen failed: library "" not found

My execution command is:

../../../../pin -t -- ls
  1. Am I linking correctly?
  2. Should I be trying to link statically instead of using dlopen?


  • I wasn't able to compile directly, so I ended up just using the pin tool and then redirecting the output (from stderr) and piping it into the gzip command line utility.

    ./path_to_pin/pin -t -- ls 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3 | gzip -c > my_compression_output.txt