
NestedScrollView persistent header sometimes looks awkward

Often when scroll is fast enough my app shows a small transparent line between scrolling view and persistent header.

Minimal reproducible code: https://gist.github.com/Moonspeaker/0e8573ff6620a7e00b8f7b04937b51a1

This is how it looks recorded on video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDxu1NTkaMA&feature=youtu.be

I have no clue how to fix this. The issue seems to be in Align widget with Alginment.bottomCenter. Column with MainAxisAlignment.end works the same way.

Flutter nested scroll view persistent header bug


  • Try wrapping your SliverPersistentHeader with a SliverOverlapAbsorber usually when working with NestedScrollView you will need to wrap the header in this object in order to not encounter rare scrolling artifacts like the red line you described.

    I was not able to reproduce the issue with the change stated below. But you could also take a look to SliverOverlapInjector and the NestedScrollView class documentation which has examples using both of these widgets

                headerSliverBuilder: (context, scrolling) => [
                    sliver: SliverPersistentHeader(
                      delegate: _Delegate(),
                      pinned: true,