I have written the following impexes in:
The impexes are :
INSERT_UPDATE ServicelayerJob;code[unique=true];springId;
# Fires every 1 minute
INSERT_UPDATE Trigger;cronJob(code)[unique=true];active;cronExpression;
;myCronJob;true;0 0/1 * 1/1 * ? *
But when I'm updating the system, the impexes are not being loaded. Can someone please help?
These impexes are not picked up automatically. You need to have a System setup in your project where you need to add a link to the file.
From the location of your file, I assume you started from the starter template for a core project. In that case, there should be a file CoreSystemSetup
in your core project. Somewhere in the location <classpathprefix/>setup/CoreSystemSetup
You need to add your file here as a new line in this file. This will be something like this
@SystemSetup(extension = TrainingCoreCoreConstants.EXTENSIONNAME)
public class CoreSystemSetup extends AbstractSystemSetup
public static final String IMPORT_ACCESS_RIGHTS = "accessRights";
@SystemSetup(type = Type.ESSENTIAL, process = Process.ALL)
public void createEssentialData(final SystemSetupContext context)
importImpexFile(context, "/trainingcore/import/common/essential-data.impex");
importImpexFile(context, "/trainingcore/import/common/cronjob.impex");
You can also add this file in the project data part of this setup file. Depending on your needs.