We have four build configuration in the scheme - QA, Pre prod, Staging, Releasing with different BaseUrl, I am just trying to change this build configuration via Fastlane gym command but it fails, bu default it is taking the one which is selected PFA for reference
build_app(workspace: "MyApp.xcworkspace", scheme: "MyApp", include_bitcode: true,export_method:"app-store",configuration: "Staging")
gym(workspace: "Omuni.xcworkspace",scheme: stagingScheme,export_method:"appstore,configuration:"Staging")
You can try and add a separate gym file where you define your gym variables like so:
scheme("your scheme")
configuration("your configuration")
and then you would call the gym command without any parameters, but I couldn't help but notice that your " are misplaced, ("appstore,configuration:") perhaps fixing that would do as well