I am struggling to get this simple f-ty working... My scenario is:
The most problems I have is with 4)
"name": "Hello, World!",
"description": "Navigate and execute custom js script",
"version": "1.0",
"manifest_version": 3,
"permissions": [
"background": {
"service_worker": "background.js"
"action": {}
function myCustomScript() {
alert('myCustomScript test ok!');
console.log('myCustomScript test ok!');
chrome.action.onClicked.addListener((tab) => {
chrome.tabs.update({url: "https://example.com"}, myCustomScript);
The page got redirected but my js function is not executed! Do you know why and how to fix it?
P.S: this is my first time I am creating my chrome extension, maybe I am doing something wrong...
To execute custom code, use chrome.scripting API. For this scenario you'll need:
added to "permissions"
, which you already have,"https://example.com/"
added to "host_permissions"
in manifest.json.Note that activeTab
permission won't apply to the tab after it's navigated to a URL with a different origin because this permission only applies to the currently shown origin.
Due to a bug in Chrome, you need to wait for the URL to be set before executing the script.
chrome.action.onClicked.addListener(async tab => {
await chrome.tabs.update(tab.id, {url: "https://example.com"});
// Creating a tab needs the same workaround
// tab = await chrome.tabs.create({url: "https://example.com"});
await onTabUrlUpdated(tab.id);
const results = await chrome.scripting.executeScript({
target: {tabId: tab.id},
files: ['content.js'],
// do something with results
function onTabUrlUpdated(tabId) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const onUpdated = (id, info) => id === tabId && info.url && done(true);
const onRemoved = id => id === tabId && done(false);
function done(ok) {
(ok ? resolve : reject)();
P.S. alert
can't be used in a service worker. Instead, you should look at devtools console of the background script or use chrome.notifications API.