
Guacamole RDP won't connect

I use Guacamole with RDP protocol to connect to client. This my configuration:

<connection name="RDP 20.125">
    <param name="hostname"></param>
    <param name="port">3389</param>
    <param name="username">root</param>
    <param name="password">rahasia2020</param>

But this didn't work when I tried to connect to it.

This is the error message from Guacamole:

The remote desktop server is currently unreachable, if the problem persists, please notify your system administrator, or check your system log.

This the ./configure result:

 guacamole-server version 1.3.0
    Library status:
      freerdp2 ............ yes
      pango ............... yes
      libavcodec .......... yes
      libavformat.......... yes
      libavutil ........... yes
      libssh2 ............. yes
      libssl .............. yes
      libswscale .......... yes
      libtelnet ........... yes
      libVNCServer ........ no
      libvorbis ........... yes
      libpulse ............ yes
      libwebsockets ....... yes
      libwebp ............. yes
      wsock32 ............. no
    Protocol support:
       Kubernetes .... yes
       RDP ........... yes
       SSH ........... yes
       Telnet ........ yes
       VNC ........... no
    Services / tools:
       guacd ...... yes
       guacenc .... yes
       guaclog .... yes
    FreeRDP plugins: /usr/lib64/freerdp2
    Init scripts: no
    Systemd units: no
 Type "make" to compile guacamole-server.

And on the client side I already set RDP on port 3389. This is the result of netstat -tunlp | grep "rdp" on the client:

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      13645/xrdp-sesman
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      13646/xrdp

So what is the problem, is there something wrong?


  • I created a similar Guacamole Connection and attempted to connect. It failed with the same error.

    The "system log" in the error is the Guacamole daemon log. Check your log for the Guacamole daemon, guacd. Depending on your system, the log can in different places. On RHEL/Centos: /var/log/messages. On Ubuntu/Debian, try the daemon log: /var/log/daemon.log.

    I'm using RHEL, so I'll search /var/log/messages for guacd, but only the last 30 lines:

    sudo grep guacd /var/log/messages | tail -n 30
    Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[3899120]: User "@1b862d83-323f-400b-819d-d082dd459074" joined connection "$2676e198-8ffb-458d-b115-d4d3b387d4a4" (1 users now present)
    Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[3899120]: Loading keymap "base"
    Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[3899120]: Loading keymap "en-us-qwerty"
    Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[3899120]: Certificate validation failed
    Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[2103350]: guacd[3899120]: INFO:#011Certificate validation failed
    Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[3899120]: RDP server closed/refused connection: SSL/TLS connection failed (untrusted/self-signed certificate?)
    Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[2103350]: guacd[3899120]: INFO:#011RDP server closed/refused connection: SSL/TLS connection failed (untrusted/self-signed certificate?)
    Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[3899120]: User "@1b862d83-323f-400b-819d-d082dd459074" disconnected (0 users remain)
    Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[2103350]: guacd[3899120]: INFO:#011User "@1b862d83-323f-400b-819d-d082dd459074" disconnected (0 users remain)
    Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[2103350]: guacd[3899120]: INFO:#011Last user of connection "$2676e198-8ffb-458d-b115-d4d3b387d4a4" disconnected
    Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[3899120]: Last user of connection "$2676e198-8ffb-458d-b115-d4d3b387d4a4" disconnected
    Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[2103350]: Connection "$2676e198-8ffb-458d-b115-d4d3b387d4a4" removed.
    Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[2103350]: guacd[2103350]: INFO:#011Connection "$2676e198-8ffb-458d-b115-d4d3b387d4a4" removed.

    RDP is expecting a valid certificate from the remote server, but my system is using a self-signed certificate, so the certificate validation failed. The easiest way around this is to ignore server certificate for the Guacamole Connection.

    In your configuration file, add the ignore-cert parameter to the Connection (from the Guacamole Manual for RDP):

    <param name="ignore-cert">true</param>

    If you still experience issues, refer back to the log. You may also want to set the security parameter, as Guacamole is sometimes unable to detect the security method automatically.