
AppCompleteGenericCore > 1Gb of memory

The monitoring of the Local MDrivenServer (cmd: AppCompleteGenericCore.exe -port=5050 -nohttps) shows that the process eats memory up to 1.2Gb regardless of the Model's size.
If I upload the simplest sample model with Class1 and Class2, no viewmodels, no serverside jobs - AppCompleteGenericCore process memory starts from 60Mb (there is no model) and stabilized at the ~1.2Gb (sample model is uploaded). Could you please advise is it normal behavior? FYI, I've tried "System.GC.Server": false, "System.GC.Concurrent": false in the AppCompleteGenericCore.runtimeconfig.json - no results.

Thank you!


  • I deleted my LocalServers folder and downloaded the latest version of MDrivenServer—and the problem disappeared. The old server had CodeDress assembly, so I guess it was a root cause of the memory leak I had.