
Tortoise subversion server v1.14 very slow Windows11 with svn://localhost syntax

I just built a fast new Windows11 machine, installed the latest TortoiseSVN (1.14), created new repositories, started a Windows service (all on the local C: drive), and am experiencing what feels like slow delays in doing simple checking on small VS C# projects.

For example, I click okay on the VisualSVN (VS2019 extension) OK button to do a check-in, and then I have to wait for 10 seconds or maybe longer for the check-in to complete. Ten seconds won't kill me, but on my Windows10 machine, checkins to the local repositories there take 2 seconds or something like that. On my new Win11 machine, check-ins using the file:///C:/xxx syntax are essentially instant - no observable delays at all.

The Win11 check-in dialog said "207 bytes transferred in 7 seconds" for a small VStudio project of 5 files and a few hundred lines of code using the svn://localhost/xxx syntax. I have the 'recurse into unversioned folders' flag off as described on another SO post, but that did not make any difference.

It's almost like there is a network timeout going on between the client and server before the check-in proceeds, but I can't think of a reason why that would be the case. I'm on a new machine with defaults for the clients and servers and ports, so I can't think of a reason for timeouts to occur.

Are there other flags that I should disable? Does anyone think an IPv6 and IPv4 fallback is occurring? I haven't seen any svn operations to set IPv6 vs IPv4 options in the configuration.

I'm thinking I should just switch to the file:///C:/xxx syntax to try to speed things up on my local machine, but I read elsewhere on SO that using the file:///C:/xxx syntax is not a good practice (esp if the repo is accessed by other machines over the net with svn://xxx syntax).
