
m1 pro build iOS app runtime error: COLLADA files are not supported on this platform

In m1pro chip (my new MacBook Pro 14'), iOS App load dae file error. Crash both in simulator and devices.

    func makeUIView(context: Context) -> UIView {
        let scene = SCNScene(named: "art.scnassets/3dmodel.dae")!   //crash here, error "COLLADA files are not supported on this platform."
        ...other code...

But the same code works well with intel chip (MacBook Pro 13' 2017) built iOS APP

Question: Does the apple m1pro chip not support dae files? But c4d works well in m1pro.


Have Tried:

all above not works.


  • Resovled. by doing this

    sudo xcode-select --reset

    Because I found warnings in build time. build warnings

    notice that xcode actually convert dae file to scn file in build time, but the warnings said converting failed. then i tried to run xcrun scntool, it got errors.

    xcrun scntool
    scntool: warning: Could not find bundle inside /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
     at path /Library/Developer/SharedFrameworks/ModelIO.framework
    scntool: warning: Could not find bundle inside /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
     at path /Library/Developer/SharedFrameworks/SceneKit.framework
    scntool: warning: Could not find bundle inside /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
     at path /Library/Developer/SharedFrameworks/PhysicsKit.framework
    scntool: warning: Could not find bundle inside /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
     at path /Library/Developer/SharedFrameworks/Jet.framework
    scntool: warning: Could not find bundle inside /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
     at path /Library/Developer/SharedFrameworks/SpriteKit.framework
    usage: scntool --convert file --format format [--output file]
    scntool: error: (null)

    something wrong with the ComandLineTool, so i did the steps as this post. command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates?

    it works. build app without scntool warnings, and the app runs well.