My Goal: use pyelftool to retrieve variables absolute placement and functions absolute address from an elf file to automatize breakpoint placement for whitebox testing.
my code:
import elftools
from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
elffile = ELFFile(f)
if not elffile.has_dwarf_info():
print(' file has no DWARF info')
dwarfinfo = elffile.get_dwarf_info()
pubnames = dwarfinfo.get_pubnames()
pubtypes = dwarfinfo.get_pubtypes()
for elem in pubnames:
print(elem, pubnames[elem])
My issue: the code aboves returns cu_ofs and die_ofs, like
memSegment NameLUTEntry(cu_ofs=47377, die_ofs=47586)
Eep_GetData NameLUTEntry(cu_ofs=78737, die_ofs=78936)
the cu_ofs and the die_ofs are not the real address on the target (e.g. I can inspect using Ozone, jumping from the source code to the disassembly view) - the address of the first assembly instruction of the function on the target is 0x2524.
How can I retrieve the address of a function and a variable from the elf file using pyelftool?
Found the answer I was seeking,at least for my purposes:
def bkpt_addr_get(self, funcname):
info = self.dwarfinfo.get_DIE_from_lut_entry(self.pubnames[funcname])
if self.verbose:
return hex(funct_addr)