I want to plot the coefficients from this regression as a forest plot.
price | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
foreign#rep78 |
Domestic#1 | -781.769 1013.428 -0.77 0.443 -2805.724 1242.186
Foreign#0 | -1529.739 1771.487 -0.86 0.391 -5067.642 2008.164
Foreign#1 | -81.34985 848.0347 -0.10 0.924 -1774.992 1612.292
_cons | 6358.405 485.1416 13.11 0.000 5389.511 7327.3
The forest plot produced by coefplot
(community-contributed command) only plots the last coefficient (-81), and not the other coefficients (-782 and -1530). Where am I going wrong?
sysuse auto, clear
recode rep78 (1/3=0) (4/5=1)
reg price i.foreign#i.rep78
* Only plots last coefficient (-81)
coefplot, keep(*.foreign#*.rep78) mlabel
* Doesn't work either
coefplot, keep(0.foreign#1.rep78 1.foreign#0.rep78 1.foreign#1.rep78) mlabel
automatically excludes coefficients that are flagged as "omitted" or as "base levels"---as in the case of your coefficients. To include all coefficients in the plot, you should specify the "omitted" and "baselevels" options. So it would look like something along these lines:
sysuse auto, clear
recode rep78 (1/3=0) (4/5=1)
reg price i.foreign#i.rep78
coefplot, omitted baselevels mlabel
Some more details on the package are available here: http://repec.sowi.unibe.ch/stata/coefplot/getting-started.html