In my Stata data set, the "alternative" variable consists of 4 modes including pier, private, beach and charter.
I want to generate new variable y
as follows:
We collapse the model to three alternatives and order the alternatives, with y
= 0 if fishing from a pier or beach, y
= 1 if fishing from a private boat and y
= 2 if fishing from a charter.
I tried to do this by looking at thetas in this website: stata tips but I can't solve it.
Note: I don't understand from the dataset. And I get error related to type of the variable while generating variable I download the dataset from the website The data name is mus15data
The variables in the dataset is as follows:
Here, "mode" variable is alternatives.
If I understand correctly, this is
gen y = 0 if inlist(1, dbeach, dpier)
* gen y = 0 if dbeach == 1 | dpier == 1
replace y = 1 if dprivate == 1
replace y = 2 if dcharter == 1
Many other solutions are possible. Here is one more.
gen y = cond(inlist(1, dbeach, pier), 0, 2 * (dcharter == 1) + (dprivate == 1))
If all those variables are only ever 0 or 1 (and never missing) some simplifications are possible.
Go only with code you find clear and can explain to others.
I am assuming that pier, beach, private, charter are mutually exclusive. I've not checked with the dataset.