I use AMQ 6 (ActiveMQ) on OpenShift, and I use a queue with re-delivery with exponentialBackoff
(set in connection query params).
When I have one consumer and two messages and the first message gets processed by my single consumer and does NOT get an ACK...
This documentation states:
...Typically a consumer handles redelivery so that it can maintain message order while a message appears as inflight on the broker. ...
I don't want to have my consumer wait for re-delivery. It should consume other messages. Can I do this without multiple consumers? If so, how?
Note: In my connection query params I don't have the ActiveMQ exclusive consumer set.
I have read the Connection Configuration URI docs, but jms.nonBlockingRedelivery
isn't mentioned there.
Can the resource adapter use it by query param?
If you set jms.nonBlockingRedelivery=true
on your client's connection URL then messages will be delivered to your consumer while others are in the process of redelivery. This is false
by default.