This is a Verilog releated question. I am working with XILINX ISE as a dev environment.
I am trying to access variables in the simulation that are automatically generated using genvar but I am receiving the following error -> HDLCompiler:71
Problem Example:
genvar i;
for(i=0; i < N; i=i+1)
TypeXModule #(.width(10)) xmod(.dataY(dataY)));
When I ran synthesis or simulation I can see that Sys_Modules[0..N-1].xmod instances are created.
When I try to add a line to the simulation accessing the Sys_Modules array:
I get the following error:
HDLCompiler:71 dataY is not declared under prefix xmod
Is there any way to access automatically generated values in the simulation?
It is legal to write a hierarchical reference to a generated instance. The functionality is described in sections 2.7.2 and 12.1.3 of the IEEE Verilog standard. However, the instance subscript must be a constant so that it can be resolved at compile time.