I am trying to implement some kotlin native code so I have a FloatArray
which I need to pass to flutter side.
Here is what it looks like,
kotlin code snippets
private var sampleData : FloatArray? = null
fun someFunction(){
// add data to sampleData
fun getData(result: MethodChannel.Result) {
dart code snippet
Future<void> getData() async {
var result = await _methodChannel.invokeMethod('sampleData');
print('type -> ${result.runtimeType}');
When I print on both platforms it does print data on both platforms but on the flutter side when I check the runtimeType it always says List<Object?>
So how can I pass FloatArray so that object is the relevant type?
I solved it by using List.from()
like this,
Future<List<double>> getData() async {
var result = await _methodChannel.invokeMethod('sampleData');
return List<double>.from(result ?? []);