
Your app's Data safety section will be invalidated and state "No information available"

A week before I uploaded an application CV Maker that input user data like name, phone, email, educational information, address e.t.c and store to local storage as json. Data is only stored on local storage neither shared with anyone nor uploaded to server (even no server connected) Internet is only used for ads plat store link

While publishing to play console following info is given

And this

But the Issue is mail screenshot [3]3


  • Probably You are using google mobile ads! if yes then you must need to say yes for Does your app use advertising ID? and also check for Advertising or marketing

    Steps to Solve isse are 1- Goto play console 2- Select Application 3- Goto app Content 4- Choose Advertising ID 5- click yes for Does your app use advertising ID? 6- check Advertising or marketing 7- click save