
How to get specific values (eg. battery2, servo outputs) available in Mission Planner through Dronekit?

I am currently using dronekit-python to implement somewhat of a Mission Planner clone, as an API. I've generally been able to replicate most important features from Mission Planner; however, some features don't seem to be present.

One such feature is reading live servo outputs, which can be done in Setup > Mandatory Hardware > Servo Output (image below). I have been able to emulate getting/setting the output's function, min, trim, max, and reversed values through parameters. However, I cannot seem to access the live position values through dronekit. How would you go about this?

Servo Outputs Page

A second feature is reading specific values from the plane, beyond the class attributes present. This is available in Mission Planner when double-clicking a value in the Quick pane in order to change what measurement is displayed (image below). For my use case, I'd like to specifically access battery_voltage2 and battery_remaining2, as these are vital measurements for our system. I tried using vehicle.battery in dronekit, but this seems to only display data from battery 1. Any ideas?

List of Quick data items

Thank You so much for the help!


  • It might be possible to get the battery information and other information from the drone by using Mavlink messages. For battery information, look at the BATTERY_STATUS (#147) Mavlink message. For servo information, look at the SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW (#36) message.

    In order to receive these messages, look into using message listeners from dronekit-python. You should be able to receive and parse the Mavlink message.

    In general, you can use message listeners and the dronekit-python message factory to receive and send Mavlink messages, which allows you more control than some of the built-in dronekit functions. If you decide to control the drone this way, though, be careful because it's pretty easy to mess up your logic and have the drone behave unexpectedly.

    Hope this helps!