
No insertion orderr is preserved while converting from xml to json using org.json.XML.toJSONObject(xmlStirng)

I am using a dynamic data structure for my project. So instead of a predefined class I am using java.util.LinkedHashMap to store my dynamic data and preserve my insertion order as well.

I am able to convert the map to json and get the map and back from Json using ``.

fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObejctMapper mapper; 

LinkedHashMap<String, Object> map =
            mapper.readValue(json, new TypeReference<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>>() {});

String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(map);

I am trying to do some XSLT transformation on my map data. So I also need to transform from xml to map and map to xml. As there is no direct method to convert these I wrote my own utility for map to xml. and to convert from xml to map I used -> org.json.JSONObject. I first convert the xml to json using


and can convert the json to map easily using object mapper.

But the problem here is I am loosing the insertion order which is crucial for my data.

How can I convert my data from xml to json so that the insertion order is preserved.


  • Thats a superb idea to use LinkedHashMap for dynamic data structure.

    However JSONObject internally uses HashMap to create the json. So it looses the insertion order.

    public JSONObject() {
            // HashMap is used on purpose to ensure that elements are unordered by
            // the specification.
            // JSON tends to be a portable transfer format to allows the container
            // implementations to rearrange their items for a faster element
            // retrieval based on associative access.
            // Therefore, an implementation mustn't rely on the order of the item.
            this.map = new HashMap<String, Object>();

    So If you can override the JSONObject your problem will be solved.
