
How to type class prop in Vue?

Class bindings in Vue can accept strings, arrays and objects, according to the docs at https://vuejs.org/guide/essentials/class-and-style.html.

When setting up a component to accept a class prop (e.g. someInnerComponentClass), what is the best type to use for that?

This works if I only pass a string, but I want it to accept arrays and objects as if I were setting it like :class="['some-class', { 'conditional-class': myFlag }]" on a root element:

const props = defineProps<{ class?: string }>();

I could try building up my own type that accepts strings, arrays of strings, arrays of objects, etc. but I feel like there's already a type that captures this that I can import, no?

My IDE (WebStorm) sees the class prop as a regular attribute:

enter image description here


  • I haven't found any type in Vue's core that is usable but we can use the information of the documentation to make up our own type. It can either be:

    So you could do something like:

    type Class = string | Record<string, boolean> | (string | Record<string, boolean>)[];
    const props = defineProps<{ class?: Class }>();