
How to find the most recent value (by date) for many people and many columns Pyspark?

This is the data that I have, including many people with different id, date, price1, price2, ...pricex, ...

(Note: the date column is not sorted, I sort my example so you can follow it easier).

from datetime import date
import findspark
import pyspark
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local").appName('practice').getOrCreate()
from pyspark.sql import functions as F

rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([
    [1, date(2016, 1, 7) , 10.0 , None ],
    [1, date(2016, 1, 8),  14.50, None],
    [1, date(2016, 1, 16), 14.50, None],
    [1, date(2016, 2, 7) , 13.90, None],
    [1, date(2016, 3, 12),  None, None],

    [2, date(2016, 1, 9) ,  None, 23.0],
    [2, date(2016, 1, 17) , None, 21.0],
    [2, date(2016, 1, 28),  5.50, None],
    [2, date(2016, 1, 28),  None, None],
    [3, date(2016, 1, 5) ,  12.0  , None],
    [3, date(2016, 1, 6) , None , 13.9]

df = rdd.toDF(['id','date','price1', 'price2'])
| id|      date|price1|price2|
|  1|2016-01-07|  10.0|  null|
|  1|2016-01-08|  14.5|  null|
|  1|2016-01-16|  14.5|  null|
|  1|2016-02-07|  13.9|  null|
|  1|2016-03-12|  null|  null|
|  2|2016-01-09|  null|  23.0|
|  2|2016-01-17|  null|  21.0|
|  2|2016-01-28|   5.5|  null|
|  2|2016-01-28|  null|  null|
|  3|2016-01-05|  12.0|  null|
|  3|2016-01-06|  null|  13.9|

I need to have the most recent available value for the price1, price2, ..., pricex for each id. To be more specific, this is what I need to have

| id|price1|price2|
|  1|  13.9|  null|    # most recent price1 in 2016-02-07, no price2 value available for id=1
|  2|   5.5|  21.0|    # most recent price1 in 2016-01-28, most recent price2 in 2016-01-17
|  3|  12.0|  13.9|

I have tried to arrange the data by date for each person, but this only helps me to have the most recent date and its values


This is what I have, but it is NOT what I want to have

| id|      date|price1|price2|row_number|
|  1|2016-03-12|  null|  null|         1|
|  2|2016-01-28|   5.5|  null|         1|
|  3|2016-01-06|  null|  13.9|         1|

Could you please help me with this problem? My data has many price1, price2, ..., pricex, ... columns. Is there any way that can work without too much code? Thanks.


  • final_df = (

      #Sort and forward fill'id','date',*[F.coalesce(F.last(x, True).over(w1), F.first(x,True).over(w2)).alias(x) for x in'price1', 'price2').columns])
      .withColumn('x', max('date').over(Window.partitionBy('id')))#Create a sortcolumn with max date for each id
      .where(col('date')==col('x'))#Filter where column above equal to date
      .dropDuplicates()#Drop duplicates
      .drop('x')#drop the sort column creates
    | id|      date|price1|price2|
    |  1|2016-03-12|  13.9|  null|
    |  2|2016-01-28|   5.5|  21.0|
    |  3|2016-01-06|  12.0|  13.9|