I'm trying to get the Pimcore Advanced Certificate.
I've done all chapters, except only one question, I'm trying 2 weeks and I'm confused :)
The question is about to fetch the thumbs with GraphQI: "What are possible ways to fetch image thumbnails from Data hub API query?"
The four multi-answers are:
The transformes I think is not mandatory, but is correct. The third maybe is correct, because I need to write a queries as inline fragment.
After in video example if I write only fullpath I can't have thumb (i get only url, if there are correctly setted permissions on assets), so I've excluded it.
If I put as correct 2 and 3 are wrong... If I add the 1st as still wrong. The same thing if I add the 4th.
I'm confused..
I need to understand how are possible to fetch image thumbnails from Data Hub API query in Pimcore.
Correct answers are:
Using Transformers for image attribute in the schema definition https://pimcore.com/docs/data-hub/current/GraphQL/Configuration/Schema_Settings.html
By providing thumbnail parameter on image attribute fullpath in the query. https://pimcore.com/docs/data-hub/current/GraphQL/Query/Query_Samples/Sample_GetAsset.html
getAssetFolder(fullpath: "/Car Images/vw/") {
children {
... on asset {
thumbnail:fullpath(thumbnail: "my_thumbnail")
Another answers you can find in the cheat sheet: