
MediWiki, Access Control , A member of one group must be able to edit only the pages created by members of that group

In MediaWiki looking for following solution. A member of one group must be able to edit only the pages created by members of that group. A member of one group must not be able to edit the pages created by members of another group which this person is not a part of.


  • make following entry in LocalSetting.php
       $wgGroupPermissions['development']['edit'] = true;
       $wgGroupPermissions['development']['createpage'] = true;
       $wgGroupPermissions['development']['upload'] = true;
       $wgGroupPermissions['development']['move'] = true;
       $wgGroupPermissions['development']['protect'] = true;
       MediaWiki:Group-development(content: Development)
       MediaWiki:Group-development-member(content: Development)
       MediaWiki:Grouppage-development(content: Project:Development)
    # add an additional protection level restricting edit/move/etc. to users with the "development" permission
       $wgRestrictionLevels[] = 'development-team'; 
    # give the "development" permission to users in the "development-team" and "development" groups
       $wgGroupPermissions['development']['development-team'] = true;
    # give the "development-team" permission to sysops (needed so sysops can apply this protection level to pages)
       $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['development-team'] = true;
    #It can be implemented using "$wgRestrictionLevels"$wgRestrictionLevels