I have been using lunarvim for the last few months working on a NON-git C++ project with great success.
The tree structure is very simple:
so I used to
cd c:\project\source
and then
lvim <file>
and everything (LSP and everything else) works flawlessly.
Now we have the same project, but moved to git, so that c:\project has a .git folder.
When I cd into the usual source folder and invoke lvim on a file, I can't find anymore references to a functions (gr), or see symbol info (K), while other things like go to definition (gd/gD) seems to work.. sometimes..
my :pwd shows c:\project instead of c:\project\source, and even if I manually cd into c:\project\source, it get reset to c:\project at the first (unsuccessful) gr.
What is happening? and how can I resolve these issues?
Note: if I cd into the old (non-git) folder, everything works fine
I forgot to recreate the compile_commands.json file in the new project folder.. my bad.