Environment: VS 17.4 preview 1, Windows10, System Theme : Dark
To reproduce the bug:
1, Create a new Maui program.
2, added a line
Application.Current.UserAppTheme = AppTheme.Light;
to App.xaml.cs file
3, in mainpage.xaml, build a picker and a searchbar like this:
<Border Stroke="Red">
<x:Array Type="{x:Type x:String}">
<Border Stroke="Blue">
<SearchBar WidthRequest="300"
Placeholder="input search text"
TextColor="Blue" />
4, Make sure your system is in Dark theme.
5, Start the program.
you can see, the picker is still in dark panel; if you move mouse over the picker, the text color is changed to WHITE, looks like it disappeared. The searchbar button is disappeared because it's white.
UPDATE: Added fix for windows and android.
For Windows
Set the RequestedTheme property in Platforms > Windows > App.xaml to 'Light' or 'Dark'.
Remember to set the Application.Current.UserAppTheme = AppTheme.Light;
as well for your app along with the below cha
For Android
I've made a video, which might be what you're after. Had the same issue.
This code needs to go in your MainApplication.cs under Android platform folder.
AppCompatDelegate.DefaultNightMode = AppCompatDelegate.ModeNightNo;