
Exists similar functionality as Query Store in SQL Server

I would like to ask, if exists the same functionality Query Store in Sybase as in SQL Server?

Or can I join DB from Sybase to SQL Server as linked server and check showplans?


  • In SAP (Sybase) ASE there are the MDA/Monitoring tables. Among these are:

    Most (if not all) MDA tables are maintained in memory (ie, the table references - eg, master..sysSQLText, master..sysPlanText - are custom views of internal ASE memory structures). This means the content of the tables go away when the ASE datasever is shutdown. The volume of data stored in stateful historical monitoring tables is based on the amount of memory allocated (by the DBA) for these tables (aka memory structures). Net result: the stateful historical monitoring tables are (effectively) implemented as a limited-memory circular list which in turns means that if you wish to capture the data from these tables for future use then you need a method of periodically querying these tables and storing the results (eg, in physical database tables).

    See P&T Series: Monitoring Tables for more info re: MDA/Monitoring tables including associated ASE configuration parameters.