
Importing intents in DialogFlow CX

I am trying to import a csv formatted list of intents into Google's DialogFlow CX like this:

Intent Display Name,Language,Phrase

r200,en,I wanted to teach you a routine called Check and Circle.

r200,en,I called you over to teach you a strategy called Check and Circle.

r200,en,I want to talk with you about a strategy we can use to answer questions called Check and Circle.

r200,en,I wanted to teach you a routine called Check and Circle.

But all I get is a never-ending spinning load icon, or an error message:

Invalid value at 'merge_option' (type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.dialogflow.v3alpha1.ImportIntentsRequest.MergeOption)

Is it formatted properly?


  • It is possible that you have a matching display name in your intent from an existing agent with your imported agent:

    When importing intents, there may be merge conflicts when the display name for an intent in your existing agent matches that of an imported intent.

    Based on this article you have these options on controlling merge behaviours: