I am trying to add all elements in a given integer list and finally return an integer as its sum
Following is the code I have tried
val intList = [1,2,3,4];
fun addList (list) =
val head = List.hd list
val tail = List.tl list
val sum = ref 0
if(list <> [])
then sum := !sum + head
else !sum
However, I am getting the following error
Elaboration failed: Type clash. An expression of type "'a" cannot have type "(('a → 'b) → 'c → 'd) List.list" because of circularity.
I am quite new to SML/NJ What could I be doing wrong?
So, I was looking into a different problem and I found a solution for this one as well.
val intList = [3,7,5,6];
fun addList (list, x)=
if list = []
then x
val head = hd(list)
addList(tl(list), x + head)
val something = addList(intList, 0);
It is similar to how the foldl operation works, but ofcourse different in terms of use.
I didn't know we could pass an element this way as an argument to the function. This was interesting.