
Gives INVALID_ARGUMENT error when pushing a new unstructured data into datastore

Hi All, So I am new to google vertex AI search, So I was doing some hands-on of creating a new unstructured document(pdf in my case) and push that document to already created data store which already have some unstructured documents.

so When I hit the below custom API from postman

and added documentId = 01 in params then I get INVALID_ARGUMENT error postman error

Below is the format of the unstructured document that I created by following

    "name": "projects/548443691128/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataStores/alphabet-investor_1698161197344/branches/0/documents/01",
    "id": "01",
    "schemaId": "default_schema",
    "structData": {},
    "parentDocumentId": "01",
    "content": {
        "mimeType": "application/pdf",
        "uri": "gs://personal-beta/testing-doc/Global iJobs Policy.pdf"

In this case the document name Global iJobs Policy.pdf is present in the google cloud storage bucket. I think there might be some problem with the format of the document, but I am not able to figure out.

I tried following the officials documentation but did not get any hint about, what could have gone wrong.


  • Here's the REST API sample for how to import data from Cloud Storage after creating a data store using the Cloud Console.

    You will need to use the import method of the projects.locations.collections.dataStores.branches.documents resource.