
Given a geographical coordinate in U.S., how to find out if it is in Urban or Rural areas?

Given a geographical coordinate in U.S., how to find out if it is in Urban or Rural areas?

I have about 10000 geographical coordinates all in the U.S., and I want to use Python + basemap to find out if a point is urban or rural.

I'm not sure which library or shape file to use.

I'll need a function like this:

def is_urban(coordinate):
  # use the shapefile
  urban = False
  return urban


  • while Ash's comment does get the job done, iterating over the shapes individually is slow, in O(N) time

    you can use geopandas to put the shapes into GeoDataFrames, then use sjoin to do a spatial join on the data. geopandas uses trees for this function, so it executes in roughly O(log(n)) time.

    instead of several seconds per query, now it's several milliseconds per query, on my machine.(7+ s VS 3 ms)

    here's my code:

    import shapefile
    import geopandas as gpd
    shp = shapefile.Reader('tl_rd22_us_uac20.shp') #open the shapefile
    all_shapes = shp.shapes() # get all the polygons
    all_records = shp.records()
    polygons_gpd = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=all_shapes) #convert the polygons into a geodataframe
    class Address():
        longitude = None
        latitude = None
        def __init__(self, long, lat):
            self.longitude = long
            self.latitude = lat
    def is_urban(addr):
        result = False
        points_gpd = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=gpd.points_from_xy([addr.longitude], [addr.latitude]))  # point coordinates to geopandas dataframe
        pt2poly = gpd.sjoin(points_gpd,polygons_gpd, predicate='within').index_right  # for each point index in the points, it stores the polygon index containing that point
        if len(pt2poly) >= 1:  # if any indicies are found, it's urban
            result = True
        return result
    pt = Address(-87.6298, 41.8781) # Chicago, Il
    # prints 'urban'

    in addition, the link Ash provided is no longer valid. As of December 2023, you can get the shapefiles from