i have a set of geo points, such as
let geo_points = [
{ "lnglat":[100,50], "id": 1 },
{ "lnglat":[100,50], "id": 2 },
by using turf.js, I can transform the geo points with turf points in this method and try to see which points in the predefined geojson
let lnglats = _.map( geo_points, function(item){
return item.lnglat;
let ids = _.map( geo_points, function(item){
return item.id;
let points = turf.points( lnglats );
let ptsWithin = turf.pointsWithinPolygon( points , predefined);
the output of turf.pointsWithinPolygon only shows the lnglat without id property.
Seeing the documentation, it can add property to points.
turf.points( lnglats , ids );
trying the method above only add the same property to each point in lnglat array .
type: 'FeatureCollection', features:
[ {type: 'Feature', properties: [ 1, 2 ], geometry: {…}}
{type: 'Feature', properties: [ 1, 2 ], geometry: {…}}
what I really need is
type: 'FeatureCollection', features:
[ {type: 'Feature', properties: 1, geometry: {…}}
{type: 'Feature', properties: 2, geometry: {…}}
how would I assign each point with lnglat and related id
Turf has no knowledge of your ids so can't pass them back in the result. Instead, try creating a Feature for each point, which can have its own embedded properties.
const geo_points = [{
"lnglat": [100.1, 50.1],
"id": 1
"lnglat": [100.2, 50.2],
"id": 2
const poly = turf.polygon([
[99, 49],
[99, 51],
[101, 51],
[101, 49],
[99, 49]
const pts = geo_points.map(function(item) {
// Create a Feature<Point> for each geo_point, embedding the id as a property.
return turf.point(item.lnglat, {
id: item.id
const ptsWithin = turf.pointsWithinPolygon(turf.featureCollection(pts), poly);
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@turf/turf@7.2.0/turf.min.js"></script>