I am trying to override an Odoo 15 JS function, which is already added by override in Odoo source code.
I am speaking about "_getLinesToAdd" function which is added by "pos_coupon" module in "point_of_sale.models" (models.Order)
This is the Odoo source code :
odoo.define('pos_coupon.pos', function (require) {
'use strict';
const models = require('point_of_sale.models');
class RewardsContainer {
// code
var _order_super = models.Order.prototype;
models.Order = models.Order.extend({
// Other code block
// _getLinesToAdd is called here (added also by pos_coupon module)
_getNewRewardLines: async function () {
// Remove the reward lines before recalculation of rewards.
const rewardsContainer = await this._calculateRewards();
// We set the programs that will generate coupons after validation of this order.
// See `_postPushOrderResolve` in the `PaymentScreen`.
await this._setProgramIdsToGenerateCoupons(rewardsContainer);
// Create reward orderlines here based on the content of `rewardsContainer` field.
return [this._getLinesToAdd(rewardsContainer), rewardsContainer];
// This function is newly added by pos_coupon to models.Order
_getLinesToAdd: function (rewardsContainer) {
return rewardsContainer
.map(({ product, unit_price, quantity, program, tax_ids, coupon_id }) => {
let description;
* Improved description only aplicable for rewards of type discount, and the discount is a percentage
* of the price, those are:
* - % discount on specific products.
* - % discount on the whole order.
* - % discount on the cheapest product.
if (tax_ids && program.reward_type === "discount" && program.discount_type === "percentage") {
description =
tax_ids.length > 0
? _.str.sprintf(
this.pos.env._t("Tax: %s"),
tax_ids.map((tax_id) => `%${this.pos.taxes_by_id[tax_id].amount}`).join(", ")
: this.pos.env._t("No tax");
const options = {
quantity: quantity,
price: unit_price,
lst_price: unit_price,
is_program_reward: true,
program_id: program.id,
tax_ids: tax_ids,
coupon_id: coupon_id,
const line = new models.Orderline({}, { pos: this.pos, order: this, product });
this.set_orderline_options(line, options);
return line;
I just want to inherit and make modification in it, I'm not ADDING to it, I want to change in the code.
I tried :
odoo.define('appointment_discount_card.models', function (require) {
'use strict';
const models = require('point_of_sale.models');
const rpc = require('web.rpc');
var _super_order = models.Order.prototype;
models.Order = models.Order.extend({
_getLinesToAdd: function (rewardsContainer) {
console.log('in !!!'); // It's not showing this message in the log
return rewardsContainer
// Rest of code
// I want to apply a test here before returning the line ( Run _checkValidityWithBackend )
return line;
What I want to do is creating _checkValidityWithBackend function running an rpc query that gets parameters (I will take care of that) and returns from Python True or False If _checkValidityWithBackend returns True, then I will return the line; means execute _getLinesToAdd else, I will not return the line.
_checkValidityWithBackend: async function (origin, productId) {
const { successful, payload } = await rpc.query({
model: 'my.model.name', // Replace with your actual model name
method: 'check_validity',
args: [origin, productId],
kwargs: { context: session.user_context },
return successful && payload.valid;
Now I am just testing with console.log to ensure that it takes in consideration my inheritance, but it's not...
You need to add the pos_coupon
module to your module depends
entry, as the _getLinesToAdd
function is defined by the pos_coupon