
Nomad host_volume not mounted

I'm trying to mount /var/log directory so that my tasks can access the files in this directory. How can I update my config for this directory to be mounted?


server {
  # license_path is required for Nomad Enterprise as of Nomad v1.1.1+
  #license_path = "/etc/nomad.d/license.hclic"
  enabled          = true
  bootstrap_expect = 1

client {
  enabled = true
  servers = [""]

  host_volume "dir-var-log" {
    path = "/var/log"
    read_only = true

Output of nomad node status -short -self:

root@observability-test:~# nomad node status -short -self
ID              = b037c0e7-b2f0-3248-c98d-d6b557c5e758
Name            = observability-test
Node Pool       = default
Class           = <none>
DC              = dc1
Drain           = false
Eligibility     = eligible
Status          = ready
CSI Controllers = <none>
CSI Drivers     = <none>
Host Volumes    = <none> #<--- not picking up
Host Networks   = <none>
CSI Volumes     = <none>
Drivers         = exec,raw_exec

Don't think this is relevant, but here's relevant snippet of job spec:

job "my-job" {
  type = "system"

  group "my-group" {
    count = 1
    volume "dir-var-log"{
      type = "host"
      read_only = true
      source = "dir-var-log" # This is from client configuration file

    task "my-task" {
      driver = "exec"
      volume_mount {
        volume = "dir-var-log"
        destination = "/var/log"
        read_only = true



  • nomad agent doesn't read from /etc/nomad.d by default. You have to pass nomad agent -dev -config /etc/nomad.d explicitly.