
Flutter isar with freezed throws Unsupported type error while build runner

While using isar with freezed, getting Unsupported type error for copyWith getter method while build runner.

Here is the model class for which the build_runner is failing.

import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
import 'package:isar/isar.dart';

part 'api_response_model.freezed.dart';

part 'api_response_model.g.dart';

class ApiResponseModel with _$ApiResponseModel {

  const ApiResponseModel._();

  factory ApiResponseModel({
    @JsonKey(name: 'data') String? data,
  }) = ResponseModel;

  Id get id => Isar.autoIncrement;

  factory ApiResponseModel.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) =>

Here is the error thrown while build_runner command.

Unsupported type. Please annotate the property with @ignore.
28 │   $ApiResponseModelCopyWith<ApiResponseModel> get copyWith =>
   │                                                   ^^^^^^^^


  • The type of copyWith function generated by freezed is not supported by isar. To ignore copyWith, you can use the @collection annotation of isar like this:

    @Collection(ignore: {'copyWith'})