
Giving Hierarchy to a list of Titles

I have this list in python

titles = [
    '13.3. Risk',
    '13.3.1. Strategy',
    '13.3.2. Token',

And I would like to create hierarchy resulting in something like this:

|_'13.3. Risk'
   |____'13.3.1. Strategy' 
   |     |____'SubStrategy' 
   |____'13.3.2. Token' 

I have tried regexp, and also the library anytree but I am not getting the desired result. I want to give structure to the list. As a tree or something similar.


  • I would take two passes at this to reshape your data into the hierarchy. I think that is the simplest thing to follow. In practice, I would probably do this in one pass, but let's do it in two for additional clarity.


    titles = [
        "13.3. Risk",
        "13.3.1. Strategy",
        "13.3.2. Token",

    Step 1: Create a dictionary of numbered items and their direct children

    results = {}
    for title in titles:
        if title[0].isnumeric():
            key, name = title.split(" ")
            key = key.strip(".")
            current = results.setdefault(key, {"name": title, "children": []})

    This will result in a dictionary that looks like:

        "13.3": {
            "name": "13.3. Risk",
            "children": []
        "13.3.1": {
            "name": "13.3.1. Strategy",
            "children": [
        "13.3.2": {
            "name": "13.3.2. Token",
            "children": [

    Step 2: Now we can iterate over it and aggregate the root(s) of the tree(s ) by setting the items as children of the appropriate parent. Note that we will assume that root(s) are nodes whose parents cannot be found.

    roots = []
    for key, value in results.items():
        parent_key = key.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
        if parent_key not in results:

    Now we can use our root(s):

    for root in roots:
        print(json.dumps(root, indent=4))

    Giving us:

        "name": "13.3. Risk",
        "children": [
                "name": "13.3.1. Strategy",
                "children": [
                "name": "13.3.2. Token",
                "children": [