
Sencha Extjs 7.7.0: pop-over is not displayed in grid component that contains combo box editor (cell editor)

In extjs version 7.7 pop-over is not displayed in grid component that contains combo box editor (cell editor)

While this problem does not exist in the previous version 7.6 .

Extjs Version 7.7 - With bug

Extjs Version 7.6 - Without bug

There is also this problem in the example of the Kitchen Sink (Classic).

Kitchen Sink 7.7 - With bug

Extjs Version 7.6 - Without bug


  • This bug will be fixed in the next version, but Sencha does not have an ETA.

    Until issue gets fixed in the official framework , please use the below override as a temporary workaround.

    Ext.define('null', {
        override: "Ext.view.Table",
        focusPosition: Ext.emptyFn,