
EventProcessorClient fails to start processing Eventhub messages - Creation of RequestResponseAmqpLink did not complete in 0 milliseconds

I created an Event hub processor in .net, followed that example:

Calling 'StartProcessingAsync' fails with the error: "Creation of RequestResponseAmqpLink did not complete in 0 milliseconds."

Is there something I'm missing?

The eventProcessorClient is created like that, with default client options:

_eventProcessorClient = new EventProcessorClient
    new DefaultAzureCredential()

The roles to the EH and the blob storage are configured (Azure Event Hubs Data Receiver, Storage Blob Data Contributor)


  • The error indicates that the client was unable to create a connection, authorize, and create an AMQP link in the duration allowed by your configured TryTimeout. Since a timeout exception of this nature is implicitly retried, when it surfaces to your application, it means that it was a consistent failure across all retry attempts. It could just be a transient network failure, but if you're seeing it consistently, there's likely more to it.

    Generally, this comes down to a couple of common causes: