
hashicorp packer with Azrure ARM: view generated ARM template

I am using packer with azure arm, I am wondering is there a way to see the generated ARM template that is getting deployed?

The reason I am asking is because I get this error, but I want to see the generated ARM template to debug it.

==> azure-arm: unexpected status 400 (400 Bad Request) with error: InvalidTemplateDeployment: The template deployment failed because of policy violation. Please see details for more information


  • I solved the problem by forking azure-arm plugin of packer, and doing this modification to it and building it back. After running go build you should get an exe file

    This now outputs the generated arm parameter and template.

    diff --git a/builder/azure/arm/template_factory.go b/builder/azure/arm/template_factory.go
    index c06cc37..2e3798b 100644
    --- a/builder/azure/arm/template_factory.go
    +++ b/builder/azure/arm/template_factory.go
    @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import (
    +    "io/ioutil"
    +    "math/rand"
         hashiVMSDK ""
    @@ -380,6 +382,18 @@ func createDeploymentParameters(doc string, parameters *template.TemplateParamet
             return nil, err
    +    suffix := rand.Int()
    +    err = ioutil.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("deployment-%d.json", suffix), []byte(doc), 0644)
    +    if err != nil {
    +        fmt.Println("Error writing deployment file:", err)
    +    }
    +    err = ioutil.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("parameter-%d.json", suffix), bs, 0644)
    +    if err != nil {
    +        fmt.Println("Error writing parameter file:", err)
    +    }
         return &deployments.Deployment{
             Properties: deployments.DeploymentProperties{
                 Mode:       deployments.DeploymentModeIncremental,