
How to dynamically get the value of a variable in pyfmi

For example, this is my modelica model

model Test
  Real x(start = 1000);
  input Real k;
  der(x) = -k * x;
end Test;
from pyfmi import load_fmu

model = load_fmu('D:/FMU/Test.fmu')

def f(time):
    global model
    x = model.get('x')
    return time*0.1

inputs = ('k', f)
result = model.simulate(final_time=10, input=inputs)

How can I get the value of x in function f,or how can I get the value of the current state and then adjust the input parameters to continue the simulation? I tried to get it via model.get(), but failed. Thanks a lot for your help!


  • I would like to reframe your question a little bit as follows:

    1. Make simulation 1 and get the final value x and call it x1
    2. Reset (or reload) the model
    3. Enter the initial value of x as x1
    4. Optionally change the parameter k
    5. Make simulation 2 and get the final value x and call it x2
    6. Plot the two simulations after each other

    The model I change to this

    model Test
      parameter Real k = 10;
      parameter Real x_start = 1000;
      Real x(start=x_start, fixed=true);  
      der(x) = -k*x;
    end Test;

    And the script to this (and I use deprecated JModelica compiler to make the FMU, but instead the FMU can be made by for instance OpenModelica ver 1.25 or later)

    # Setup framework
    from pymodelica import compile_fmu 
    from pyfmi import load_fmu
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Compile model
    fmu_model = compile_fmu('Test','', target='cs')
    # Load model
    model = load_fmu(fmu_model)
    # Simulate
    result1 = model.simulate(start_time=0, final_time=1)
    x1 = model.get('x')
    model.set('k', 1)
    result2 = model.simulate(start_time=1, final_time=2)
    x2 = model.get('x')
    # Plot results
    plt.semilogy(result1['time'], result1['x'])
    plt.semilogy(result2['time'], result2['x'])
    plt.xlabel('Time'); plt.ylabel('x'); plt.grid()

    enter image description here

    Hope this address your main question?

    Note, that the method can be easily generalised for continuous time systems. A dictionary of all the continuous time states can be obtained by the PyFMI-command


    For further inspiration on how to handle the more general case, take a look at the example on my Github page

    run the example, and in cell 17 you see application of continued simulation after a parameter change. Also take a look at the Python setup file where you find the code for simu(,'cont').

    Here is in the FMI-standard a procedure to get and set the total state of an FMU, i.e. including both continuous and discrete time states and more.


    However, the FMUs generated by OpenModelica (or deprecated JModelica) does not support this functionality. Therefore, the approach described above has a place.