I'm trying to invoke a function returned from another function. Basically I have a bunch of functions to be called depending on some condition:
function func1 {write-host "hello func1"}
function func2 {write-host "hello func2"}
# ...
function getfunc([char]$condition) {
switch ($condition) {
'1' {return func1}
'2' {return func2}
# ...
function main {
Calling main
yields the correct result hello func1
. However, I can't seem to make these work for class methods as they require me to specify the type of returned value for a method:
class MyClass {
[void] func1() {write-host "hello func1"}
[void] func2() {write-host "hello func2"}
# ...
[string[]] getfunc() { # what type to put in here ?
switch ($this.condition) {
'1' {return $this.func1}
'2' {return $this.func2}
# ...
return ""
[void] main() {
$this.condition = '1'
& $this.getfunc()
I tried using [string[]]
with no luck:
& : The term 'void func1()' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
How do I do this ?
Dereferencing a class method like in your example yields an object of type System.Management.Automation.PSMethod
- you can invoke it via the Invoke()
method, but not &
, so do:
class MyClass {
[int] $Condition
[void] func1() { Write-host "hello func1" }
[void] func2() { Write-host "hello func2" }
[System.Management.Automation.PSMethod] GetFunc() {
$func = switch ($this.Condition) {
1 { $this.func1 }
2 { $this.func2 }
return $func
static [void] Main([int]$condition) {
# create instance
$inst = [MyClass]@{ Condition = $condition }
# select function
$func = $inst.GetFunc()
# invoke selected function