
Is there a way to find out all users of a particular group in AzureAD?

So the usecase is that we need to retrieve only the users that are part of a certain AzureAD group.

As a test in postman, I ran this query:{id}/transitiveMemberOf/$count=true&$orderby=displayName&$search="displayName:tier"&$select=displayName,id

however am getting the following message: Resource '{id}' does not exist or one of its queried reference-property objects are not present

Does anyone have any idea on whether this can be done? And how


  • You can use the List transitive members operation for a group:


    Put the group's object ID in the URL.

    There is also an operation to get direct members, but that won't include users who are members of a group which is then a member of the group you are looking for.