I am using a batch file to update only those files that have changed in my SVN repository. This is a part of my batch file:
SET CHANGES=svnlook changed c:\myrepository
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=2" %%a IN (`%CHANGES%`) DO (echo %%a)
I only get dok instead of dok version1.txt and I guess thats because of the space. How must I change the code to get the filename even if there is a space? Is that because of the tokens or where does it cut the name?
The output of svnlook looks like:
D Testprojekt/trunk/dok - Kopie (2).txt
D Testprojekt/trunk/dok - Kopie (3).txt
D Testprojekt/trunk/dok - Kopie (4).txt
So I am using tokens=2 to only get the path (Testprojekt/trunk/dok - Kopie (2).txt) and not the action (D=deleted for example).
Try using:
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1,*" %%a IN (`%CHANGES%`) DO (echo %%b)
This assigns the first token to %a and all subsequent ones to the next letter i.e. %b