
Checking the position of my jobs within a queue in LSF

Is there a way to check the position of my jobs within an LSF queue?

If I run:

bjobs -u all -q my_queue

I get a list of jobs from all users within my_queue, but is this list sorted by the position of my jobs within the queue?


  • I believe you're interested in pending jobs.

    This will show all pending jobs in a queue.

    bjobs -u all -p -q my_queue

    This list is sorted by position in queue.

    The position is based on job priority and submit time.

    Keep in mind, what is displayed is not a perfect indication of when a job will run. LSF will start jobs as the correct resources are available. A job requiring a lot of resources may be first in the queue. But if the required resources are not available, LSF will start other jobs behind it that are within the available resources.