
AXIS Client v.s. AXIS2 Service

I must implement an AXIS 1.4 client which consume an AXIS2 1.4 method. AXIS 1.4 client is made by creating the stubs. The client send a request and get back a response from service with some attachment (MTOM). When I call the method (operation) by AXIS 1.4 port type object I got an error:

org.xml.sax.SAXException: SimpleDeserializer encountered a child element, which is NOT expected, in something it was trying to deserialize.

I think MTOM messed up with AXIS. So here is the question: how did I get the attachment the AXIS2 1.4 (MTOM) web service return me back? TIA.


P.S: here is the code. There are stubs generated by WSDL. The problem is: i get the exception when I call the port's stub method. There are attachments in the message I get back.

String codistat = "CODISTAT";    
OrdinanzeViabilitaLocator ovlocretreive = new OrdinanzeViabilitaLocator();
ovlocretreive.setOrdinanzeViabilitaHttpSoap11EndpointEndpointAddress(".. the service url + action..");
try {
  OrdinanzeViabilitaPortType ovretreive = ovlocretreive.getOrdinanzeViabilitaHttpSoap11Endpoint();
  ((Stub) ovretreive)._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Call.USERNAME_PROPERTY, "username");
  ((Stub) ovretreive)._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Call.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, "password");            
  //problems began here
  MessageReqOrdinanze mrq = new MessageReqOrdinanze();
  Calendar date_from = Calendar.getInstance();
  Calendar date_to = Calendar.getInstance();
  // the next line generate the exception
  MessageOrdinanze mretreive = ovretreive.getOrdinanze(mrq);
  } catch (AxisFault e) {
  } catch (RemoteException e) {
  } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
  } catch (IOException e) {
  } catch (ServiceException e) {

The message I get back has a

<xop:include href="cid... >...< ../xop/include"/>

tag inside, it's MTOM (it cause the exception I guess). Hope this helps.


  • There are two things that need to be done to make MTOM work on the client side:

    1. Ensure that in the stubs, the xs:base64Binary type is mapped to java.activation.DataHandler instead of byte[].
    2. Set up a (runtime) type mapping for xs:base64Binary and java.activation.DataHandler that uses JAFDataHandlerSerializer and JAFDataHandlerDeserializer (which support MTOM).

    The second part is fairly easy. Simply set up a client-config.wsddfile with the following type mapping:

    <typeMapping languageSpecificType="java:javax.activation.DataHandler" qname="xs:base64Binary"

    The first part is more tricky because the tooling (wsdl2java) in Axis 1.4 doesn't support changing the Java type associated with a given XML type. There are several ways to work around that limitation: