
Zookeeper CLI failing - IOException Packet <len12343123123> is out of range

Running zookeeper 3.3.3. I have a znode that I am just trying to list, via the CLI, as in:

ls /myznode/subznode

This crashes with an IOException in org.apache.ClientCnxn$SendThread.readLength at line 710.

Anyone seen this?? Someone suggested that maybe bad data is in the znode. Not sure if, or how... but I cannot delete it either, as it has something in it.


  • so, the problem was that the znode in question has been overwhelmed with sub-znodes. It had about 5 million of them. Zookeeper apparently does not like this. Even worse, there is no great way to clean it up. ZK should have a prune command (or something). Thanks for the answers.