I draw a dynamic callgraph with Roassal from within a Glamour browser in Pharo 2.0.
By default not only the nodes, but also the edges are clickable.
As i have no further information to display for the edges, i want them not to be clickable. How do i remove the "clickability"?
That's how i draw the callgraph from within a Glamour browser:
methodsUnderTestAsCallGraphIn: constructor
constructor roassal
painting: [ :view :testFailure |
view shape rectangle
size: 30;
fillColor: ThreeColorLinearNormalizer new.
view nodes: (tests methodsUnderTest: testFailure).
view shape arrowedLine.
view edges: (tests methodsUnderTest: testFailure) from: #yourself toAll: #outgoingCalls.
view treeLayout ];
title: 'Callgraph of methods under test'
I think GLMRoassalPresentation>>renderOn: is responsible for adding the "clickability":
self shouldPopulateSelection ifTrue: [
aView raw allElementsDo: [:each |
each on: ROMouseClick do: [:event | self selection: each model ]] ].
I want to to keep this behaviour for the nodes, but not for the edges.
It helps to have a self contained example to clarify the behaviour you want, so I've re-framed your question.
With the two commented-out lines , I guess is the behaviour you don't want. Does uncommmenting those two lines provide the behaviour you want?
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser column: #myRoassal ; column: #mySelection.
browser transmit
to: #myRoassal ;
[ : aGLMPresentation |
aGLMPresentation roassal
[ : view : numbers | |edges|
view shape rectangle ; withText ; size: 30.
view nodes: numbers.
view interaction noPopup.
view edges: numbers from: [ :x | x / 2] to: [ :x | x ].
" view edges do: [ :edge | edge model:#doNotSelectMe ]."
view treeLayout.
browser transmit
to: #mySelection ;
from: #myRoassal ;
" when: [ :selection | selection ~= #doNotSelectMe ] ;"
[ : aGLMPresentation |
aGLMPresentation text
display: [ : selectedItem | selectedItem asString ]
browser openOn: (1 to: 10).