
Matching an optional number in a Lua pattern

I'm parsing the output from the diff3 command and some lines look like this:


I am interested in the numbers in the middle. Its either a single number or a pair of numbers separated by commas. With regexes I can capture them both like this:


What is the simplest equivalent in Lua? I can't pass a direct translation of that regex to string.match because of the optional second number.


  • Using lua patterns, you could use the following:



    local n,m = string.match("1:2,3c", "^%d+:(%d+),?(%d*)[ac]$")
    print(n,m) --> 2    3
    local n,m = string.match("2:0a", "^%d+:(%d+),?(%d*)[ac]$")
    print(n,m) --> 0