
yo angular generates files in wrong path ( home directory )

yo angular generates the files in my home directory and I don't know why.

I did the following:

ppa for node

curl -sL | sudo bash -

then install node

sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

create a symlink

sudo ln -s "$(which nodejs)" /usr/bin/node

install yeoman

sudo npm install -g yo
sudo npm install -g generator-angular

next steps from the instruction from

mkdir my-new-project && cd $_

now I run

yo angular test1

now all the files will be created in my home directory instead of the my-new-project directory where I am currently. What did I wrong?

node -v: v0.10.36

npm -v: 2.5.1

Update1: new npm version


yo angular looks for .yo-rc.json file in the current directory, if the file isnt there it tries to find it in the home dir. To solve this:

look for a hidden .yo-rc.json file in the home directory and delete it. Or create an empty .yo-rc.json file in the directory you want to use.


  • Thanks to issue page at the solutions was relatively easy.

    After the command mkdir my-new-project && cd $_ I needed to create an empty .yo-rc.json file with {} as content to this folder.

    Then I could start yo and all files are created in my my-new-project folder now.