
add banner into video with Vast

i start to work with vast to add ads into my video (pre-roll mid-roll and post-roll), i try to add banner into my video using XMl but i couldn't , if any one have a clew. this is my file XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!ATTLIST Ad    id    ID     #IMPLIED>
    <!ELEMENT MediaFiles (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT MediaFile (#PCDATA)>

<VAST version="2.0" >
<Ad id="mid-roll-0">
<Creative sequence="1" id="2" >
<MediaFile delivery="progressive" bitrate="400" type="video/mp4">

if some one help me to add a banner 250X60 in the first minute , thanks


  • Not sure I completely understand, but if you try to show a banner inside the viewport of the video and have the video playing in the background, you should take a look at the NonLinear Ad Format ('overlay') in the VAST standard.