
icCube - Adding the Title (The header) When export the Chart to Image

I need That the header shows when I export the Chart to Image

My Chart is Like This : enter image description here

But when I export it to Image it's Without the header

enter image description here

Can any one help me to fix this , Txs, Marwen


  • AmChart widget allows you to export only widget's content without box header.

    You can achieve needed result with AmChart's functionality.

    Just set below code as a value to "Edit... > Widget > Advanced Properties > Extra Options"

    :{"allLabels": [
            "text": "Product Sale",
            "size": 32,
            "bold": true,
            "x": 0,
            "y": 0


    If your title overlays the chart you can try to change widget box's height and width along with extending "Extra options" with "marginLeft" and "marginTop" options which allow you to create needed room for chart and it's title:

    :{"allLabels": [
            "text": "Product Sale",
            "size": 32,
            "bold": true,
            "x": 0,
            "y": 0

    enter image description here